Basic Wheel Cleaning

This is the dirtiest part of the car and should be cleaned first as the grime and cleaners may sling on to the paint.  This step should include the wheels, tires and arches.  You may also want to do the initial cleaning of the exhaust tips at this time as you will use a similar brushes and cleaners

I always start by spraying the cleaner on the wheels to start breaking down the dirt.  While that dwells, I will spray the tire and arch and agitate them. Once the tires and arches are done, I'll go back to the wheel and agitate the cleaner.  Finally, rinse all 3 at the same time.  Do this process working only one corner at a time so that the cleaners to not dry on the surface.

Here's some of the tools and tips for each part:


Spoke brush, wheel woolies, lug nut brush, brush or mitt for face.  Spray first and allow to dwell while doing other parts.

       Specialty Cleaners – Safe for 99% of wheels. Targeted iron cleaners

       Alkaline Cleaners –Careful Use, may damage some finishes, best for organics

       Acid Cleaners – Worst Case Scenario, best for inorganics


Long handle brush with long flagged bristles, alkaline All Purpose Cleaner (APC)

       Always enter from the bottom. 

       For lowered cars, use a jack or leave them alone (see no evil).


Short handled brush with short, stiff bristles (carpet brush), alkaline APC

       Start spraying from the bottom, promotes even distribution and avoids runs that can create an uneven cleaning


Rinse wheel, arch and tire at the same time.  Work one corner at a time.