Review: Britemax Easy Cut and Final Shine Metal Polishes

I received these products at no charge from Autogeek, and in return, I agreed to provide a review. I will try to keep this as objective as I can.

Abbreviated copy from AG

Britemax Easy Cut is a heavy-cut metal polish that is highly effective and user friendly! This unique formula is perfect for removal of light to heavy oxidation and everything in between. Britemax Easy Cut features a blend of solvents, chemicals, and fine abrasives to create a product that is easy to use and yields amazing results. 

Britemax Final Shine Metal Polish & Sealant quickly and easily removes light oxidation and staining from your vehicle’s metalwork leaving a mirror-like shine behind. The unique, easy to use formula not only cleans and polishes, but also protects, depositing a layer of protection with each application. Britemax Final Shine Metal Polish & Sealant provides an easy way to restore the like-new look of your vehicle’s metal surfaces. 

I've been a huge fan of Pinnacle Exhaust Cleaner and Brightener since I first got ahold of it.   Before that, I was using S100 Polishing Soap.  Both of these are able to clean well and add a good shine to exhaust.  My gripe with S100 has always been the abrasives, I've very careful not to get them on surrounding areas for fear of causing damage.  Pinnacle does not have this issue with the cream like consistency, and it wipes off easy from anything adjacent. Both Britemax products seem to have an abrasive component that separates form the carrier liquid, I am still careful with surrounding areas, but the Easy Cut arbasives seem to stay within the suspension well.  The Final Shine abrasives seem to come out of suspension much easier, but not be problematic with adjacent areas.  

Both products are very runny, I wouldn't use an older terry towel and this stuff will seep right through, use a new terry or an older, disposable microfiber.  Below is a picture of the subject's AWE exhaust tips.  The client had already washed and clayed the car before I arrived.  He does take decent care of the exhaust, at least in cleaning it.  He requested that I take care of the outside of the tips, but nothing necessary for the inside.  

Initial condition.  Clean and somewhat shiny, but oxidation is visible and there is room for improvement.

Britemax Easy cut was applied to a microfiber and worked in by hand.  As previously mentioned, the product is very runny and even though these tip were pretty clean, the nickel size amount was only enough for a one of the four tips.  Enough grime and oxidation was removed to render that portion of the microfiber towel spent. Maybe that's not the greatest in terms of product efficiency, but I think it speaks to the effectiveness of the product.  I've used similar products that would have used less in a single application, but would have required two application to get the same amount of crud off.  The instruction state to wipe off after it hazes, that did take a while.  A long working time is good, but I through all 4 tips and the first one still hasn't flashed completely.  Quick to remove crud and slow to flash.  

After application of Easy Cut, the oxidation and bonded contaminants have been removed and the tip and nice and shiny.  

Now that the crud is off, I took a shot with final shine to see if we could extract any more shine.  Final shine does have a sealant in it as well as removing light oxidation.  Final shine was applied in the same way.  I think the abrasives are a bit larger and were more easily deposited on the surface of the tip, which requires some extra diligence in removal.  Final shine is the same runny consistence as easy cut.  This does allow it to spread well and is easy to work.  It did not gum up the towel as fast, likely because Easy cut got most of the crud off, but there was still evidence of transfer, so it can do some light surface cleansing by itself.  Final shine also has a long working time and took a while to flash.  I did get through all 4 tips and the first still hasn't flashed/hazed.

Pic after final shine.  There was a very slight improvement in person.  The camera barely pics it up.  To my eye, this may have just been a result of the sealant component of Final Shine. 

Both motorcycles and uncoated metal wheels, are great applications for the Britemax products, but even if you don't have one of these, there's a good chance you have an exposed exhaust pipe and both products did a very good job of making an improvement in these tips that were already in decent shape.

Final Thoughts:  I think that Easy Cut can stand alone as an exhaust treatment.  If someone was planning to apply a coating to the tips, then I feel like you could go straight to coating after East Cut and end up with a mirror finish.  If you are not planning to coat you tips, then you can follow up with Final Shine, or potentially use Final Shine alone, I'll need to play with it some more on nasty tips to see what it's limits are.